Zalo Destruction

Info Level Experience Last seen
Zalo Destruction

Voc: Master Sorcerer
Premium status: No
234 208,138,900 2024-02-28 07:55:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
94 ?? Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? 39 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-02-27 16:53:42 231 a medusa, by a serpent spawn and by bend ohver
2024-02-27 16:10:49 231 pourupthewholedamnexe, by charlover pra caramba, by ibur, by chinguitox and by an illusion rat
2024-02-25 14:04:47 232 tank, by pressha, by la pendeja and by a tarantula
2024-02-15 10:11:49 230 a mystical knight, by a medusa and by a elder dragon lord
2024-02-12 19:35:01 231 pally of detruption, by kamiikaze pakiistan, by leito massacre, by iceberg slim, by a hydra, by merry show and by a dangerous scorpion
2024-02-07 12:10:05 229 supra and by kin blak
2024-02-05 22:49:38 229 a elder dragon lord, by a dragon lord and by a dragon lord hatchling
2024-01-27 18:07:01 229 a frenzied elf
2024-01-17 13:51:43 222 ingeniero industrial, by spinal, by rulercito, by nyxshadower, by kiltroso, by jhonny whalker and by a divine defender
2024-01-17 13:43:49 223 ing salinas, by spinal, by rulercito, by a wandering nomad, by a divine magician, by a divine alchemist, by a divine defender and by a dangerous scorpion
2024-01-16 20:40:29 223 a demon, by icefrog and by a massive energy elemental
2024-01-11 10:15:44 218 sam'co, by icefrog, by son'gohan and by bow
2024-01-11 08:35:17 218 a working pirate and by a drunken pirate
2024-01-10 21:37:12 218 kin blak, by rompekulitos and by cocha vacas
2024-01-09 15:59:32 218 black link, by nomercy old school, by avada keedavra, by sam'co and by frijolito
2024-01-09 15:57:17 218 sam'co, by nomercy old school and by avada keedavra
2024-01-08 09:47:41 216 a enslaved devil and by a devil watchman
2024-01-07 05:15:42 215 a elder dragon lord and by kozaczo
2024-01-06 11:04:50 215 gandalf the red, by pega loqis, by nitroso and by a dragon lord
2024-01-05 19:01:03 215 an undead dragon, by kin blak and by a divine defender
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-06-29 09:00:00 234 208,138,900
2024-06-28 09:00:00 234 208,138,900
2024-06-27 09:00:00 234 208,138,900
2024-06-26 09:00:00 234 208,138,900
2024-06-25 09:00:00 234 208,138,900
2024-06-24 09:00:00 234 208,138,900
2024-06-23 09:00:00 234 208,138,900
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-06-29 0 seconds
2024-06-28 0 seconds
2024-06-27 0 seconds
2024-06-26 0 seconds
2024-06-25 0 seconds
2024-06-24 0 seconds
2024-06-23 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-03-30 22:10:00 still online 90d 9h 35m 234
2024-03-29 16:20:00 2024-03-29 16:34:00 14m 234
2024-02-28 07:52:00 2024-02-28 07:56:00 4m 231
2024-02-28 04:02:00 2024-02-28 04:04:00 2m 231
2024-02-28 03:34:00 2024-02-28 03:38:00 4m 231
2024-02-27 21:59:00 2024-02-28 02:40:00 4h 41m 231
2024-02-27 04:54:00 2024-02-27 05:08:00 14m 231
2024-02-27 04:26:00 2024-02-27 04:30:00 4m 231
2024-02-27 03:33:00 2024-02-27 04:00:00 27m 231
2024-02-26 19:23:00 2024-02-26 19:28:00 5m 231
2024-02-26 18:41:00 2024-02-26 19:20:00 39m 231
2024-02-26 18:31:00 2024-02-26 18:33:00 2m 231
2024-02-26 16:44:00 2024-02-26 16:45:00 1m 231
2024-02-26 15:09:00 2024-02-26 15:57:00 48m 231
2024-02-26 06:10:00 2024-02-26 06:26:00 16m 231
2024-02-26 00:57:00 2024-02-26 01:04:00 7m 231
2024-02-26 00:40:00 2024-02-26 00:45:00 5m 231
2024-02-25 23:44:00 2024-02-26 00:03:00 19m 231
2024-02-25 23:31:00 2024-02-25 23:33:00 2m 231
2024-02-25 23:16:00 2024-02-25 23:18:00 2m 231